
Welcome to this course, where I will take you through my process as I actually publish two books.

I will show you what works for me, and how you can also publish on some of the most popular self-publishing platforms.

In the first video we will look at the different forms of publishing.

In this second video, we are going to look at the various ways we can get out books out into the big wide world.

Think about which ones of these options are useful to you right now.

This video gives you a basic introduction to the Amazon KDP platform, by showing you round my dashboard.

I use KDP for paper and hard back books and e-books.

This video is an introduction to Ingram Spark.

I use Ingram for wide distribution of paper and hard back books.

This video is an introduction to Draft2Digital.

I use Draft2Digital for wide distribution of my e-books.

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